Friday, September 18, 2015

Window Rescue - Jan's Room

Jan left to care for an ill family member, which left me nearly two weeks to rip down wallpaper and scrape paint off of the woodwork in her room. While not completed, I came very close. There is still some white paint in the "after" picture. The Mexican milagro cross was gift from a friend, from Gargoyles, the now-closed shop in Boston. It's perched because I couldn't stand the thought of tapping a hole into a wall we'd worked so hard on.

This project took longer than I'd anticipated, and while very frustrating, it was ultimately very satisfying.

Previous owners replaced the broken glass in the bottom two windows, (minus the panes) with plexi-glass. These need to be removed and the ropes & weights still need to be re-set. I picked up solid brass locks and brass-colored window pulls, as well. Soon, we'll need to replace the window guts with proper, weather-rated windows, but for right now, the frames are easier to live with. Still, so much more work to be done.

1 comment:

  1. Looks great! Windows are complicated and these look beautiful.
